Write to congress

We have to fight Censorship

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Fun times

So I had a birthday since I last wrote.

I'm 26 now and I have mixed feelings about it. I'm getting older. That's for sure. I don't have much in the way of assets but I'm working toward it. I feel like a new wave of life is about to wash over me. This year has definitely been a time of transition from the whole "I wanna party" to now a mixed up emotion of "time to grow up".

It's great in a lot of ways, and also sobering in a lot of ways. I find that emotionally I want a little more. Kids, a wife, a home? And at the same time, I still want to be care-free and selfish. lol. It's a lot to take in for someone who himself and others have always called "The Danger Kid". A title I am already starting to relinquish...

I know this is short. I'm about to spend a week elk-hunting with my father and my grandpa which should be epic. I always love spending my time with them. My dad for his almost infinite wisdom and my grandpa because he is always a fountain of patience-building phenomena. lol.

Anyway. I will write more when I get back.

Wish me luck.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

American Censorship? Fight for your DAMN RIGHTS!

Today, after I woke, took a shower and pounded a rockstar. I got online and browsed through a couple of my favorite message boards... what did I discover? One of them has been blocked by the government! Reading into the cause I found that Congress is meeting today.

To do what? To vote on two bills that would forever alter our access to information on the internet.

The First is the (PIPA – S.968)PROTECT IP ACT:

PROTECT-IP is a bill that has been introduced in the Senate and the House and is moving quickly through Congress. It gives the government and corporations the ability to censor the net, in the name of protecting "creativity". The law would let the government or corporations censor entire sites-- they just have to convince a judge that the site is "dedicated to copyright infringement." (http://vimeo.com/31100268)

WHICH effectively means: If you share anything online with another peer i.e. youtube videos, twitter, tumblr, etc. A company or a government agency can sue for copyright infrigement and shut your presence on that site down. They will be able to censor ANYTHING you post as long as they can convince a judge that its infringement.
We are ALL peers. The internet is our database of societal knowledge. DONT LET THIS HAPPEN.

The second is:  (SOPA – H.R.3261). Stop Online Piracy Act

Stop Piracy: To promote prosperity, creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation by combating the theft of U.S. property, and for other purposes. 

While this one isn't as bad. I still find it a bit tyrannical. Information should be freely received and freely given.  Don't get me wrong, piracy is in fact stealing; of course we should pay for a product or a software that we desire to use and if a company is charging for it, we should purchase it to invest in that company's production of similar products. We are using them anyway.

What I AM saying is that when combined, these two bills if passed into laws could dramatically screw the system and our use of it. I am reminded of China and Korea. They cant even look at most the American sites or research information! With these bills the government can simply not allow us worldwide information. We will be more in the dark and at the mercy of companies and the courts with what they think we should have access too!

The last thing I have to say is: WHAT THE FUCK!?!!!?!?! We are free peoples. We will not be censored. Information should be free. Fight for your rights!

Don't let this happen people! Please go here and check this out. Write to congress. DO SOMETHING!



Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Its funny

I find it really funny how things change.

We don't see people for awhile: weeks, months, and even years and the last memory they have kind of just stays with us. When we think of them from time to time, we only see that last part of them that we knew. Its almost like they are frozen in time.

Then when we do see them again, its almost like a whiplash. "Holy shit."

I saw an old friend today. It has been at least three years without talking face to face, or even really talking for that matter. We only saw each other for five minutes and had a cigarette but it was crushing almost. Because we both are completely separate people. One of us is even married and has a kid and one on the way. "Holy shit."

It's not necessarily a bad even an awkward thing, but it is a sobering thing. We found it almost hard to even talk, so we bullshitted about nothing and then parted. I used to be so careless about whether I stayed in contact with friends or what friends I make or who I associate with, almost like it didn't matter in the grand scheme of things. But after today, maybe its not so much the case anymore. Looking at the grand scheme of things does have merit, but maybe I should keep a closer eye. Or invest more time in communicating with those friends to make sure I don't lose thoughts of them in my everyday life.

Anyway, these are just some thoughts. Cammie, I'm glad your doing well in your life. Enjoy every minute of it! Thanks for the chitchat.


Friday, November 11, 2011



It is in the Power of the True Hopi People to unify the minds and spirits of all true peace seeking peoples of the earth...
"Hopi" means "Peaceful People"... and the truest and greatest power is the strength of Peace...because Peace is the Will Of The Great Spirit...
But do not think that just because the True Hopi People have been told by the Great Spirit never to take up arms... that the True Hopi People will not fight... even die for what we know to be the right way of Life.
The True Hopi People Know how to fight without killing or hurting...
The True Hopi People Know how to fight with Truth and Positive Force In The Light Of The Great Spirit...
The True Hopi People Know how to Educate by clear thoughts... good pictures...and by carefully chosen words...
The True Hopi People Know how to show to all the world's Children the True Way of Life by setting an example... by working and communicating in a way that reaches the minds and hearts of all people who are truly seeking the methods of a simple and spiritual Life which is the only Life that will survive...
The True Hopi People Know how to show the Right Way of Life to all the world's people who have ears to listen... who have eyes to see... and who have hearts to understand these things...
The True Hopi People Know how to generate enough Power to link up the forces of the Minds and Spirits of all the True Children of the Earth ... and to Unify them with the Positive Force of the Great Spirit so that they may put an end to affliction and persecution in all afflicted places in this world...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The beginning... or a beginning.

I've changed.  I can tell because my mind isn't the same as it was only a few years ago. I have different descriptions for the same things I still love and new reasons to love them. It's like looking into a reflection of a mirror when its at an angle, and then flipping the angle to the opposite, which provides a different view altogether.

While I can't say its for the worse, I can't particularly say its for the better. Because what is knowledge besides our own assessment of a reaction toward a mass of data? What I do love is this: We can all change: every perception, every reaction, and every critique of the aforementioned data... and who can judge us for that?

I like to think I'm moving forward and I really feel that I am. I used to be so closed off, (not more then a few months ago) but I have recently found a person within all the masks that I have tried to wear over the years, and what I've found has not only impressed me, but it scares the ever-living shit out of me. I have a thousand words, and stories I could use to gain an impression with you, or to try to show you credentials of how ever self important I am. For now, I simply refuse. You can decide what you must when it comes to this truest statement: I am me, nothing that was, and nothing that may become. Actualized self.

I've recently come to grips that my imperfections are exactly that. MY imperfections. Its when we can realize these and admit them: when we truly become beautiful.

These are only words. I am only me.

- Scott

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Life past.

  I haven't written here in a while...

.... because of several reasons. Life has been pretty hectic since my birthday: Family issues, girl issues, financial issues, you name it. I've experienced in the last couple months a far wider emotional ranges than ever before. From rejection, to heartbreak, to anger, frustration, complacency, double-mindedness, happiness, love, and hate. I've dealt with my own issues and let other's effect how I reacted to each individual situation.
   Recently I've come back to reality, or my realities rather. I've been able to cope and recover and here I am. Once again the Dangerkid.
I don't have much to write today except to let everyone know that I appreciate the support that my friends and families have given me and without you all, I might have been worse off for it.

So thank you. I'll be sure to write something interesting soon.

- The Danger Kid,
                   Scott Gentry

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Old Friends and "The SS" Reunion.

"It requires greater courage to preserve inner freedom, to move on in one's inward journey into new realms, than to stand defiantly for outer freedom. It is often easier to play the martyr, as it is to be rash in battle. " -  Rollo May, 1909-1994

Stephen Hayes, (an old friend of mine and still one of my best friends) and I connected again after what seemed like years. We met up at Brother John's where his girl Marta works. We talked for a while, I told them about my life, and they told me about theirs. I'm still getting through my second college journey and they were moving to mexico in three weeks. 

"So where we going for this Christmas Party?" I asked. 

"Oh, yeah! We're going to Austin's! Live music, man." Stephen responded. I was excited, I hadn't seen or partied with Stephen in quite awhile, and never had a boring time doing it. We had been best friends since high school and despite the distances between speaking we always seem to get along as if days had never passed at all. I have a feeling that's how it is always going to be. 

So, we finished our brews. My Sierra Nevada and his IPA, got in my truck and drove three blocks to his house (the party was across the st.). 

We walked into the house, took a couple shots, I met the roommate of Stephen and Marta and my eyes grew wide. The girl, whom of course I irreverently forgot her name (I think it was Nyla or Nadi or Laya or something like that), was gorgeous. I quickly shook the thoughts of even flirting with her out of my head, said a few quick words (she would not be going with us), and stephen and I rushed across the street to see everyone. 

We spent the night listening to musicians free-styling in what seemed to me to be the best improv jam session I've ever witnessed. I was amazed. It was copiously powerful, fluid like water, and excellent in all my musical tastes. 

Aside from that - after many cups of a very fine brew in a keg surrounded by ice, a couple cigarettes, meeting some very cool people, some girl walking up to me and letting me know that I would not be "getting any" for no apparent reason (I had never saw, talked, or met her before), playing a massive game of flip cup, and finally ending up crashing/passing out at stephen's house watching HD version of PLANET EARTH - It was a really great night with a great friend. 

Thanks, Stephen! 

P.S. Oh and Nayalalyda, or whatever your name is. - "Call Me."   

- The Danger Kid